The Hope of Easter

Yesterday was Easter. I very significant holiday for a Christian, but truthfully, not one filled with a lot of family memories that made it a difficult “first” since Christopher’s death.

But I must say that I considered Easter much more somberly this year. What if Jesus hadn’t risen on that first Easter morning? There would be no hope – our sins would have been paid for (through His death; a sacrifice on our behalf), but I don’t think that eternity would have been the same.

Now, I am certainly no theologian, so don’t look at this that way. I guess I look at the Christ-followers of that day and can only imagine how they felt between Friday when Jesus died and Sunday when appeared again. It had to be a terrible few days! If they understood why Jesus had to die, they might have understood forgiveness, but I am not sure that was a great comfort. Our salvation is secured in the crucifixion, but our joy is secured in the resurrection. The real comfort comes in life, not death.

As a believer, Christopher was forgiven, but because of the resurrection, I know he lives. That is what gives me hope; and in that hope, I can find joy.