Judy’s Thoughts

Years ago, I had started a Blog that I expected to be about the process of starting a church on the South side of Tallahassee, FL. The church would be named, “Door of Hope” and I named my blog “My View from the Door of Hope.” Then, in December 2007, my only child, Christopher, was killed as a passenger in a car crash. In January 2008, this Blog became my journey through the loss of a child; my loss of my child.

Since I now have this website, I decided to bring my blog over here. It reveals a great deal about me and my journey. Now that I have relocated to Ocala, I have decided to continue to blog. We’ll see how often it happens or how long this will last.

  • Different kind of grief, but grief nonetheless.
     I’m just a few weeks away from marking 14 years since my son died following a vehicle crash in which he was a passenger.  I am glad to say that I am back to living life and I feel certain that my Christopher would be proud.  I still miss him dearly and often am blindsided […]
  • It’s That Time of Year
    In 2007, Thanksgiving came early, as early as the fourth Thursday in November can be. It was November 22. The only reason I know that is that I am amazed at the details I remember from the two or so weeks, from 2007. I know that this is because, as soon as Christopher died, all […]
  • It’s not over
    It has been a long time since I posted anything – as a matter of fact, the last post I see was written right after the sentencing related to the legal proceedings that related to the car crash that resulted in Christopher’s death. Even this sentence is a good example of how much everything is […]
  • I’ll take your “pains” of parenting any day!
    Okay, I admit it, I am an avid Facebooker. For the most part this is a good thing, but I have to say that some status’ that people post hit me differently than they would have had I not had to let my son go before I was ready. Please don’t understand, I know that […]
  • No winners . . .
    Sometimes there is just not a win position. Today was such a day as the young man driving the car when it was involved in a collision that resulted in my son’s death was sentenced. I spent a considerable amount of time writing my Victim’s Impact Statement, but did not have a chance to read […]